
Ponteland Photographic Society

Competition Results 2018-19

Set Subject – Macro 4 March 2019
The second Set Subject competition for the season featured Macros and close-up shots. We were lucky to secure the services of Peter Maguire LRPS CPAGB from Gosforth Camera Club with his extensive knowledge of flora & fauna as our judge. Peter was able to not only describe exactly what we were looking at with each picture but also outline the challenges facing the photographer at the time. A bumper entry of over 50 photographs was topped by Phil Robson in first and second place!

1st Phil Robson Busybee
1st place Busybee by Phil Robson
2nd Phil Robson Dragoneye
2nd place Dragoneye by Phil Robson

There were a few pictures not related to living things and Tony McCann took third place with his ingenious Milk Drops image.

3rd Tony McCann Milk Drops
3rd place Milk Drops by Tony McCann

All entries for this competition can be seen by clicking here

Open PDI Competition 29 October 2018
Our judge, Catherine Ball, was very entertaining and her style of judging – appreciative and insightful, rather than overly critical, went down particularly well with members. She was really good at making suggestions aimed at revisiting our images to get even more out of them, without denigrating what had already been presented. Unusually, she tended to give quite a lot of weight to the aptness of (witty) titles in sign-posting how the photographer interpreted his or her subject!
Phil Robson claimed first and second place on the night with two great wildlife shots. First was a squirrel study entitled Forest Friend – although who was studying who was debatable!
1st Phil Robson - Forest Friend
Phil’s second placed picture, Where Eagles Stare, was the total opposite – this bird wasn’t interested in the photographer at all!
2nd Phil Robson - Where Eagles Stare

In third place was Sunset by Les Dodd. An excellent image over the Irish Sea captured at Port Patrick in Dumfries and Galloway.3rd place Les Dodd - Sunset
Catherine selected four images as Highly Commended. Just Hanging Around and Plastic Field, both by Helen Bradley. Primitive Pane by Hank Craggs and Pyrenean Scene by Bill Norfolk.
All of the images entered for this competition are available to view on our Flick webspace – click here.

Knockout 17 September 2018
The first competition of the new season has arrived very early in our schedule this year but members still managed to enter an excellent selection of pictures to make the choice difficult! As usual two images are projected onto the screen side by side and members then vote for their preferred picture. The winning image continues to the next round. After several stages of voting Phil Robson’s iconic “Northern Spire” was voted into 1st place. This is a great photo taken at night to add lots of vibrant colours. Although this new Wear crossing only opened last month we’ll probably see lots more pictures of this amazing structure during the season.1st place Phil Robson - Northern SpireIn second place was “Sunset” by Les Dodd – another great favourite for photographers especially over the sea – expertly captured just before the sun disappears behind the sloping hillside at Port Patrick in Dumfries & Galloway.2nd place Les Dodd - SunsetTo complete the proceeding members also voted for third and fourth places. Phil Robson’s “Butterfly” claimed 3rd place – making this a great start to the new season for Phil!3rd place Phil Robson - ButterflyAnd just to prove how difficult the selection process was another iconic image, this time with an aeronautical theme, was voted into fourth place. “Red Arrows”  by Fara Serajian has been captured just as the planes begin their Vixen Break manoeuvre directly in front of the crowd.4th place Fara Serajian - Red Arrows, Vixen BreakAll of the images entered for this competition are available on our Flick webspace – click here.