
Ponteland Photographic Society

Set Subject – Urban Landscape 8 January 2018

Set Subject – Urban Landscape 8 January 2018
There were almost 50 entries for the first competition of 2018 and Jim Walsh LRPS, CPAGB, APAGB of Blyth Photographic Society was kind enough to be our judge for the evening. The subject had been highly favoured by members at last year’s AGM but on the night most agreed this was a particularly challenging subject.
Jim gave a well received commentary for each entry but it was Kath, our Competitions Secretary, who pointed out that there were lots of entries which included rubbish – in the image! Phil Robson’s dusk study of the “Tyne Bridges” was selected as overall winner with it colourful balancing reflections.
In second place was Kath’s own image from Northern Spain, “San Sebastian – La Gomera” of which Jim stated he couldn’t see a single person in the picture!
The competition saw several monochrome entries of which “Streets Ahead” by Hank Craggs was awarded third place.
Full results including the Highly Commended entries are on our Flickr webspace – click here.