Jim Welsh judged a wide range of entries into our 2013/14 Open DI competition, with 45 images to choose from he admitted it was a tough choice (with quite a few images being in-and-out of contention for a prize!).
Eventually however, he chose to highly commend 'After A Bath' by Helen Bradley, 'Gloomy' by Rod Smith, 'Image 2' by Param Sandhu, 'Let's Take a Walk' by Jess Keating, and 'Pretty Pots' by Hank Craggs.
This then led to Bill Norfolk coming in 3rd with 'Poppies in Barley', Param came 2nd with 'Image 4', pipped to the post by Bill's 'Dunnet Bay'. Jim was highly complementary of all of the images, and provided a lot of constructive feedback which will hopefully make the decision even more difficult next time!