
Ponteland Photographic Society

2017-18 Knockout Competition

Our Knock Out Competition is a highlight of our year’s programme. Rod Smith prepared the high number of entries and Veronica Congleton led us through the voting procedure. At random, two images appear side by side on our new large screen. Everyone votes for one image each time and the higher number takes that photograph through to the next round. And so it went on, round after round, with decisions becoming more and more difficult!
At last, we had our winners. In fourth place, Bob Morgan’s “Starling Walk”, Tony McCann flew to third place with his “Gannets” and Mike Sadler gained a worthy second place with his “Canal in Winter” taken in Tamworth. We congratulate Ian Morton, a new member, on gaining first place with his colourful “Women’s Work”, taken in Myanmar.

Ian and Mike standing next to their respective pictures. All the entries are now available on our Flickr page.