Set Subject – Knockout #2 20 March 2018
2018 saw the first time we have ever run two Knockout Competitions in a single season! But this time there was a slight restriction – only pictures which had been taken during the season could be entered into the competition. The idea was to showcase images members had produced as a result of the sessions held earlier in the year. This produced lots of interesting portraits of other members which raised a chuckle and some really good Christmas special effects. After several rounds of voting Phil Robson’s storm lashed “Lighthouse” was voted into 1st place.In 2nd place was Bill Norfolk with a very cold and delicate looking “Crocus Drift” which had been taken in his garden just a few days before!
3rd place was taken by Ian Morton for the beautifully colourful shot of a pair of trees taken at sunrise and titled, “Morning Glory”.
In almost total contrast John Atkinson’s monochrome study, “Quayside” was voted into 4th place.
The full set of pictures entered is available on our Flick webspace – click here