
Ponteland Photographic Society

Competition Rules & How to Enter
(Click here for North Tyne competitions)

  1. Competitions are open to all paid up members of the Society.
  2. All images must be the member’s own work. (This does not preclude the use of commercial printing).
  3. Images once entered into one competition, cannot be entered into another club competition.
    (The exception is the AV competition, which may contain pictures that have been, or will be, submitted elsewhere).
  4. Competition entries should be handed in at least 3 weeks before the date of the competition judging evening, unless advised otherwise.
  5. If there are too few entries, the competition may be cancelled or revised at the discretion of the Competition Secretary.
  6. Digital images: PDI files must be prepared in JPEG format, with membership number (not name) and any title(s) included.
    NOTE: PDI images can be submitted on CD or Memory Stick (at the relevant club meeting), or e-mailed to the Competition Secretary. An e-mailed acknowledgement of receipt and file(s) opening correctly will be returned to the sender.
  7. Prints: Colour or Black and White – should be on mounting board of a size not exceeding 20” x 16”, (or 50cm x 40cm), with the title of the picture and the entrant’s membership number (not name) on the reverse.
  8. Audio Visual: Entries should consist of a set of digital images on a disc presented in an automated production sequence (i.e. not just a uniform photographic “slide show”), together with sound track.
    Each entry should be submitted on a separate disk bearing only the entrant’s membership number (not name) and title of the audio-visual presentation.
  9. For each competition the Competition Secretary will submit a separate list showing image titles and membership number to the judge.
  10. The Judges of the various competitions will be asked to comment on each entry in a constructive manner, and to select his/her top three images, including a winner. Other images may be commended.
  11. The Society will take all reasonable care of prints, disks or other media, but cannot accept responsibility for their safety.
  12. With the agreement of the author, entries may be retained after the competition for publicity purposes.
  13. Winning entries will usually be featured on this website shortly after the competition.
    Please notify the Competitions Secretary if you do not wish your picture to be displayed.