Ponteland Photographic Society

Agreed at the AGM 30 March 2009

Formation and name
1. The date of formation was 17.5.1978.
2. The association shall be known as the Ponteland Photographic Society (The Society).
3. Membership of the Society will be open to all upon payment of the Subscription, the amount of which will be agreed at the Annual General Meeting.
4. The objects of the Society are to promote the enjoyment of all aspects of photography.
5. The committee will consist of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and up to five other members.
6. The offices will be held for two years. The retiring officer is eligible for re-election at the A.G.M.
7. The committee can co-opt any member of the Society to the committee.
8. Any committee member will be reimbursed for reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred in the furtherance of the objects of the Society.
Honorary Posts
9. The Society may create Honorary posts, such as President, at the discretion of the Committee.
10.i) An Annual General Meeting will be held during March/April to consider the election of Officers, to approve the Accounts and to transact any other appropriate business.
ii) An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Committee or any 10 members giving 14 day’s notice, in writing, to the Secretary and giving the nature of the item(s) to be resolved.
iii) General Meetings may be called by the Committee from time to time to consider any relevant business.
11. Provided a meeting has been properly convened, and members previously notified, four members shall constitute a quorum for committee, ten for general meetings.
12.i) An Ordinary Resolution will be passed by a simple majority of the members present at the meeting.
ii) A Special Resolution will be passed by 75% of all members, present at the meeting, voting in favour.
Items specifically requiring a Special Resolution
13.i) A change in the Rules.
ii) Removal of one or more committee members during a term of office,
iii) Any other special business for which the Committee shall in its own discretion require a special resolution.
Use of premises and equipment
14. The use of premises and equipment by any member outside the normal programme may be the subject of a separate charge at the discretion of the Committee, to be reviewed from time to time.
15. Subscriptions will be reviewed annually and fixed at the A.G.M.
16. In the event of any subscription being unpaid within 28 days of the due date the committee shall, at its discretion, notify the member that his/her membership is discontinued.
17. A visitor may attend the normal club meetings. A visitor’s fee may be charged at an amount set by the Committee and reviewed from time to time.
18. The Treasurer will maintain proper accounts, recording inter alia, all receipts and payments, and an Annual Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure will be made up to the last day of January in each year and submitted to the members for approval at the A.G.M.
19. The Society will be federated to one or more of the National Photographic Organisations.
Disciplinary Action
20. A member may be expelled or asked to resign from the club at the decision of the Committee. The Committee can request a member to appear before it, provided that where any accusation or charge is made the member shall be given full and reasonable opportunity to put forward a defence and bring witnesses at a later meeting. Any member expelled or asked to resign shall have the right of appeal to an Extra-ordinary meeting called for the purpose.
All committee proceedings and those of any Special General Meeting called under this rule shall be treated as privileged and confidential.
Dissolution of Society
21. In the event of dissolution a special general meeting shall be called at which a liquidator shall be appointed and a decision made then or subsequently as to the disposal of any club assets.
Variation of the Constitution
22. No alteration of, or addition to, these rules shall be made except by the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting called in accordance with Rule 10 (ii).

Formally adopted at the AGM 18 April 2011

The Ponteland Photographic Society (referred to below as “the Society” and “PPS”) subscribes to the Children & Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy listed below.

1. PPS welcomes children and vulnerable adults as members and encourages them to take an active part in meetings and activities.

2. Membership by children requires the permission of their parent/guardian and those who have not yet reached the age of 16 years should be accompanied by an adult when attending PPS activities.
Vulnerable adults should be accompanied by another adult or carer.

3. The Society is committed to:
• maintaining an environment that protects children and vulnerable adults from harm, as well as protecting the Society and its members from potential allegations.
• developing awareness by members of the issues which may cause children and vulnerable adults harm
• ensuring that members support the Society’s commitment and that their behaviour is appropriate, in line with the guidelines set out in Section 4 below.
• ensuring prompt and appropriate action in response to child protection and vulnerable adult issues and concerns.

4. It is impractical to give advice that is appropriate to all situations. However, the following are examples of guidelines in other organisations, including NCPF, which members should consider when they come into contact with children and vulnerable adults:
• Where circumstances require the transportation of children/vulnerable adults in a member’s vehicle, another adult should also travel in the vehicle and the parent/guardian/carer should be informed. There should be adequate vehicle insurance to cover such transportation in connection with the activities of the club;
• Physical contact must always be appropriate and reasonable, for example to prevent injury, and touch should always be in response to the child’s/vulnerable adult’s need, appropriate to their age and with their permission
• Situations where an adult is alone with a child or vulnerable adult, out of sight from other adults, are best avoided; for example taking a child to the toilet, unless another adult is present or has been made aware
• Bad language and suggestive humour or comments are inappropriate and the Society will seek to prevent the display of offensive images

5. Any concerns about the treatment of children and vulnerable adults should be raised immediately with a member of the PPS Committee.