Ponteland Photographic Society

Knockout Competition – 30th September 2019

Knockout Competition – 30th Sept 2019
The first competition of the season produced some excellent entries and made the decisions really close for the vote counters – several rounds even required re-counts as the tension mounted!
At the end of the evening members chose an action shot of a Kingfisher – complete with stickleback – by Fara Sarajian as the winning photograph. In second place was a sunlit Seascape by Mike Sadler. In the third place play-off June Atkinson’s Puma narrowly beat the Squirrel from Phil Robson.
The top pictures are shown below and you can click here to see the full list of entries.

1st place Kingfisher by Fara Serajian
2nd place Seascape by Mike Sadler
3rd place Puma by June Atkinson
4th place Squirrel by Phil Robson