Ponteland Photographic Society

Knockout Sept 2018

Knockout 17 September 2018
The first competition of the new season has arrived very early in our schedule this year but members still managed to enter an excellent selection of pictures to make the choice difficult! As usual two images are projected onto the screen side by side and members then vote for their preferred picture. The winning image continues to the next round. After several stages of voting Phil Robson’s iconic “Northern Spire” was voted into 1st place. This is a great photo taken at night to add lots of vibrant colours. Although this new Wear crossing only opened last month we’ll probably see lots more pictures of this amazing structure during the season.1st place Phil Robson - Northern SpireIn second place was “Sunset” by Les Dodd – another great favourite for photographers especially over the sea – expertly captured just before the sun disappears behind the sloping hillside at Port Patrick in Dumfries & Galloway.2nd place Les Dodd - SunsetTo complete the proceeding members also voted for third and fourth places. Phil Robson’s “Butterfly” claimed 3rd place – making this a great start to the new season for Phil!3rd place Phil Robson - ButterflyAnd just to prove how difficult the selection process was another iconic image, this time with an aeronautical theme, was voted into fourth place. “Red Arrows”  by Fara Serajian has been captured just as the planes begin their Vixen Break manoeuvre directly in front of the crowd.4th place Fara Serajian - Red Arrows, Vixen BreakAll of the images entered for this competition are available on our Flick webspace – click here.