
Ponteland Photographic Society

Monday’s Treasure Hunt

As we assembled, the evening was rather wet, but it was decided that we should go out and see how things went. Five teams were clutching the Question sheet, ably drawn up by Veronica. The questions were not all easily answered and we were scudding about the village like little flotillas!
Cameras at the ready, we hoped we had found the correct answers.
Where is the Constellation? Yes, The Great Bear at the Seven Stars!
Where do you sign? Oh, yes, at Mark Small’s Signature!
Kath thought she had found the answer to Eight Pints? She popped into the Diamond and found 8 Beer Pumps – this had to be right! But, no, as we found out later – it was the name Gallon on a tombstone!
Back to Merton Hall for a welcome hot beverage and the summing-up.
We five girls won!! Two points ahead of the next group, who had 33.
It was fun! It was a chance to work together. And Ruth even saw a hedgehog across the path. Thank you for a well-organised Hunt, Veronica!