Ponteland Photographic Society

Ryton Inter-club

This week saw the return half of last season’s Inter-club competition with Ryton Camera Club. Our judge for the evening was Peter Yearnshire LRPS of Blyth Photographic Society on his first visit to Merton Hall. To a full house Peter explained clearly and with good humour his thoughts on each of the 48 prints and digital images – quite a chore with the high standard of entries. Alan Judd of Ryton was certainly the top photographer on the night, scoring a maximum 30 points on both the print and digital sides of the competition with two primate studies, Nursing Mother and The Look, shown below.

The Look by Alan Judd of Ryton Camera Club
The Look by Alan Judd of Ryton Camera Club

The total scores for the Print competition were Ponteland 290, Ryton 307 and even closer for the Digital Images Ponteland 309, Ryton 314 – a margin of 22 in Ryton’s favour – congratulations!

The evening was made a huge success by, not only, the excellent turn out by members from both clubs but also the super performance by the catering team led by Jean Sadler. Many thanks to everyone from both clubs who contributed to the evening and especially the judge, Peter Yearnshire LRPS.