Ponteland Photographic Society

Wallington trip

Update from Bill Norfolk

On 24th April 2018 six of us, Veronica, Val and Trevor, Phil, Hank and myself visited the National Trust Rothley Lake Wildlife Hide.

We all met at Wallington before 08:00 and two vehicles drove up to the lake, where we walked to the hide which overlooks some bird and squirrel feeders, on one side and the lake on the other. The weather was sunny intervals with the sun behind us so it was a good opportunity to try and photograph small birds, however most were some distance away and images were best taken with a telephoto lens. We had hoped to see some red squirrels, however none appeared whilst we at the hide. We did manage to see chaffinches, blue, coal and great tits, a robin and a pair of bullfinches, plus the geese on the lake.

We were at the hide for just under three hours and had hoped that there would be more about, however that’s the story of wildlife photography.