Ponteland Photographic Society

Knockout Competition 10th October 2022

Knockout Competition – 10th October 2022
 It was good to be back with everyone starting a new season after the COVID years and what better way to kick off our friendly competitions with the Knockout! Once again members came up with a great selection of attention grabbing pictures which made the voting process very close including a couple of re-counts to be absolutely certain.
So close was the voting that we ended up with two pictures tying for first place and another two for third place! Our top two images were Dancer by John Brown and Caught in the Grass by Fara Serajian who were both awarded Equal First place – something never before seen at Ponteland. And just to demonstrate the high standards achieved by members another pair of photographs tied in the 3rd place play off – Derwentwater by Phil Robson and Badger by Veronica Congleton.
The top images are shown below and you can click here to see a full list of entries.

02 Dancer
Equal First place Dancer by John Brown
01 Caught in the Grass
Equal First place – Caught in the Grass by Fara Serajian
03 Badger
Equal Third place – Badger by Veronica Congleton
04 Derwentwater
Equal Third place – Derwentwater Valley by Phil Robson