Ponteland Photographic Society

Macro Winners!

Macro winners

Last night saw our second attempt at showing the results from the Set Subject Competition – Macro, and it was well worth waiting for! Fortunately our judge, Peter Maguire LRPS CPAGB from Gosforth Camera Club, was able to return for which we were very thankful.
The picture above shows Phil Robson, centre, with his winning image of a bee just taking off from the flowerhead. Phil also took 2nd place with a striking chameleon portrait and Tony McCann, left above left, was 3rd with Milkdrops. Peter, above right, has a great knowledge of Fauna and Flora which enabled him to enlighten us on the complexities of some of the macro shots which had been taken.
Some really great pictures from members and insightful comments from Peter made this a great evening with over 50 entries in the competition. More details on our Competitions page